What's On
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Kingdom FM's What's On Guide is Fife's premiere listing of clubs, classes, one-off events in Fife.
If you’d like to add your event, club or class to our ‘What’s On’ list click the ‘Add Event’ button. It’s completely free!
Remember to include as much information as you can and tell us about it as early as you can. Sell your event to fellow Fifers and give them a reason to attend. Tell us where the event is happening, what time it starts and ends, if it’s regular or a one-off, what the event is in aid of (if applicable), if there’s a cost to attend and include some contact information too if possible.
If you’re unsure about anything, feel free to email us: whatson@kingdomfm.co.uk
Today and Upcoming Events
Sporting Memories Club - Gilvenbank
Glenrothes Community Sports & Health Hub, Glenrothes, KY7 6SU
Category: Club
Fife Climate Festival
Category: Community Event
Build your team, connect to your community and Go Deep
New Volunteer House, Kirkcaldy, KY1 1XT
Category: Community Event
Fife Local Update
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