Green Policy

Our Green Policy

Kingdom FM recognises that as a company our work may have a direct or indirect impact on the local and global environment. We are committed to minimizing our negative impacts and acting in a sustainable way.

What we’ve done

  • We have installed multi-functional devices (for faxing, printing and photocopying) in our office that will reduce energy and paper usage.
  • We switch off computers and other powered equipment when they will be out of use for any length of time.
  • We send all our client proposals, invoices and other communications via email, unless our clients request otherwise. This saves on both paper and carbon miles for postage.
  • We now print on office paper from either recycled or sustainable sources, and we reuse paper where possible before recycling.
  • As standard the ink we use is vegetable oil based and not petroleum based, making it significantly lower in harmful volatile organic compounds.
  • We’ve organised our studios to be paper free with our presenters and newsreaders using monitors and our computer network for accessing scripts and relevant programme information.
  • Although we enjoy meeting our clients and media partners, face to face meetings are not always necessary. Audio conferencing is regularly used.
  • We’ve encouraged our mobile teams to plan their routes carefully to reduce mileage and carbon emissions.
  • We recycle whenever possible and at the end of its practical life hardware is cleared of information and passed to a local Green office. In addition superseded transmission and technical equipment is refurbished or recycled where appropriate.

What we’re doing

  • Like all companies our purchasing decisions are influenced by cost, however this by no means is our only consideration, and we make a conscious effort to ensure we are buying from sustainable sources and local if possible to support our community, and to reduce carbon miles.
  • Visitors to the station are encouraged to use public transport and we make train and bus timetables and routes available.

What we want to do next

  • We understand we have a unique place in the heart of our community and we will work hard to engage listeners and clients via our website and on air features to be as informed as possible about the carbon they buy in their everyday lives, inspire them to reduce their carbon footprint, and encourage them to take action to offset their carbon in innovative ways.
  • We will work with Green Business Fife to ensure that we are seen as an environmentally friendly company and to widen their message to our listeners, clients and staff.
  • Ensure that external venues for meetings and events are managed sustainably.
  • We will investigate the most efficient way to make our company vehicles as green as possible when they are due for renewal.

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