Duo Raise £8.5k In Arctic Trek

Stephen Hazley and Gerard Crowley raised £8,500 for Cancer Research

Two Fife businessmen say they have learnt the importance of teamwork and preparation - by trekking to the arctic.

Stephen Hazley and Gerard Crowley run Team Challenge Company in Dunfermline. They made the 120km journey at temperatures of -30C to raise money for Cancer Research, and to discover what business lessons could be learnt in an extreme climate.

Their training regime involved dragging heavy sleds and wearing shorts during the Scottish winter to prepare for sub-zero temperatures. Mr Crowley said: 

"The meticulous planning proved vitally important, we doubt we would have been able to complete the daily six-hour treks across country and up hills without the months of advance training and rigorous guidelines. I learned this lesson the hard way on the second day when I made the mistake of not fully following the rules on hydration, this made the last mile one of the toughest I completed during the entire trek.
"We were grateful that we had rehearsed the simple things over and over again so that they became automated; it made the experience safer and ensured that we could enjoy it to the fullest."

The team raised around £8,500 for their chosen charity. They are now undertaking further fundraising initiatives to help them reach their target.

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