Scottish Universities Benefit From EU

Top universities start a campaign supporting the European Union ahead of a UK referendum.

Staying in the EU will make Scottish education stronger and increase opportunities for students, according to a new campaign called Universities for Europe which is being backed by 19 Scottish institutions including St Andrews.

It's highlighting the advantages of EU membership for businesses and the economy with a UK referendum on leaving the European Union, which is expected in 2017.

Derek Hammersley, Chairman of the European Movement in Scotland is pleased universities are speaking up ahead of the vote, saying "EU membership has an overwhelmingly positive impact on Scotland's 19 higher education institutions, benefiting individuals, the economy and society as a whole.

"There are currently 19,200 students from the rest of the EU at Scottish universities and these institutions have won over £400 million in EU funding between 2007 and 2014 – almost 1.3% of the research funding programme for the whole of the EU. This has boosted the quality of research, benefited the economy and helped Scottish academics to tap into a continent-wide pool of knowledge."

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