Nursing Challenges Revealed

One in ten Scottish nurses used annual leave last year to complete training.

An RCN Scotland survey of more than 1, 300 nursing staff found more than half said no cover was provided while they were absent from their duties. Over a quarter also did not receive all mandatory and statutory training in the last year. 

Royal College of Nursing (RCN) Scotland Associate Director, Ellen Hudson, said:

“We all know how overstretched the NHS in Scotland has become, and this survey only goes to highlight just how much pressure it is under. When nurses are put in the position that they either do not undertake mandatory training in areas such as infection control, or they use their annual leave to do so, it’s obvious things are tough.

“If Scotland is to provide the high quality and safe health services we all want and deserve, health boards need to ensure that nursing staff are not only up-to-date with mandatory and statutory training, they are also supported to continue to develop their skills and expertise through CPD. It is imperative that our nursing teams keep up-to-date with advances in healthcare.

“It’s crucial for the Scottish Government to work with health boards to ensure that dedicated time is set aside for nursing staff at all levels to take part in mandatory training and continuous professional development. This not only contributes towards a highly skilled – and satisfied – nursing workforce, it improves patient care and ultimately improves the health of Scotland’s people.”

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