MSPs 'Will Oppose, But Comply' On Union Bill

MSPs will debate the motion to oppose the bill

The Scottish Parliament will formally oppose Westminster's trade union bill this afternoon - but has rejected calls not to comply with it.

The UK Government wants to put a number of measures in place to reform union activity, including introducing higher turnout thresholds for ballots.

They want 40% of 'key workers' - like nurses, firefighters and police officers - to agree to a strike before it can take place.

Fife council leader David Ross says he has "real concerns" about how the bill will affect relations with unions.

Patrick Harvie, Scottish Green MSP for Glasgow and a member of Holyrood's economy committee, said: "The UK Tory government attack on workers' rights must be resisted. Stating opposition isn't enough. With draconian measures such as fines of up to £20,000 for picket supervisors not wearing armbands, we will need the determination to defy this law if it's passed. 

"Scottish ministers have said everything possible would be done to oppose the Bill, but we need a firm commitment from them that the public sector and trade unions in Scotland will be supported by the Scottish Government in refusing to implement the UK government's attack on working people's basic rights."

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