Kirkcaldy dad thanks ambulance staff and gym instructor for saving his life after heart stops twice

A Fife dad who had a cardiac arrest at a gym in Kirkcaldy has thanked the ambulance staff and gym instructor who helped save his life.

53 year old Parminder Singh was at Edge Gymnasium on St Clair Street on September 13 when he suddenly felt tired and collapsed to the floor.

After receiving CPR from a gym instructor who knew first aid, a call was made to the ambulance service.

Three crews were dispatched the scene. The first arrived in five minutes.

They gave him more CPR and defibrillation at the gym before taking him to A&E at nearby Victoria Hospital.

To thank the staff involved, Mr Singh recently visited the ambulance team in Kirkcaldy to drop off a card and chocolates to say thanks.

The dad-of-one, who recently celebrated his 25th wedding anniversary, has spoke about the incident, saying he "doesn't recall much".

He said: “I have been told that the gym's instructor saw me lying unconscious on the floor and heard me making strange gurgling noises. Luckily, the gym's instructor knew CPR and acted immediately to save me, whilst other members of the gym dialled 999.

“On the way to the hospital, my heart stopped a second time and the paramedics had to defibrillate me again in the ambulance.

“I have no doubt that I would not be alive today if it was not for excellent response from the staff of the Scottish Ambulance Service.”

Parminder has recovered and urges everyone to learn CPR “as you never know when someone you know will have a heart attack or cardiac arrest”.

He added: “I am also very grateful for the effective CPR I was given at the gym by my instructor without which I would probably not be alive and well today. I am also very grateful to all the doctors, nurses and other staff who took care of me.

“I received fantastic care from the NHS at both Victoria Hospital Kirkcaldy and Royal Infirmary Edinburgh. The good news is that I am now feeling much better, thanks to the Scottish Ambulance Service and NHS.”

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