Indyref: Decision Day For Scotland

More than 4 million people will go to the polls today to vote in the Scottish independence referendum.

The total electorate figure for the whole of Scotland includes 789,024 people who have applied for a postal vote, the largest volume of registration for postal votes ever in Scotland. Figures show that more than 200, 000 people across the Kingdom have registered.

There are 2,608 polling places with a total of 5,579 polling stations. In most areas, a maximum of 800 electors have been allocated to each station. Many polling places, including across Fife, will allocate additional staff to assist during busy times.

Linda Bissett is the Depute Counting Officer for Fife:

Voters will be asked to mark their ballot paper with a simple 'X' in their chosen box.

Mary Pitcaithly, the Chief Counting Officer said:

"I want everyone's vote to count, whether they are voting by post or in person at a polling place on 18 September.  It's vital that everyone takes great care when completing their ballot paper. Mistakes mean that a ballot paper may not be counted.

"The safest way to ensure your vote counts is to only put one 'X' in the box beside the answer you want to choose.  Postal voters should ensure they complete their date of birth and signature correctly on the postal voting statement.  They have to match the information held on file otherwise we cannot include the ballot paper in the count.

"People who are voting at a polling place should think about what time they are going to vote.  Polling places are busiest during the early morning and in the evening as people vote on their way to and from work.  If you are able to avoid these times, I would encourage you to do so to ensure everyone can vote without having to queue for any length of time."

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