Campaigners Debate Assisted Suicide

Margo MacDonald introduced the Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill before her death in April 2014

One terminally ill person on average in Scotland is taking their own life every week, according to assisted suicide campaigners.

'My Life My Death My Choice' is the campaign to support the Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill that was proposed by Margo MacDonald MSP before her death last year. It is currently being considered by the Scottish Parliament.

The bill would make it legal for GP's to assist patients with life-shortening illnesses in dying by suicide at their request.

At the moment it's illegal in all circumstances.

Dr Bob Scott, a former GP and assisted suicide campaigner, said: "It's a way of providing compassionate assistance to people who, with a clear mind and suffering from a life shortening or terminal condition, are unable to endure the unendurable. 

"It's not a question of adopting a divine role, it's of offering compassionate humane assistance to a small but significant number of people who are in desperate circumstances."

The campaign group is holding a public meeting at the Carnegie Conference Centre in Dunfermline tonight.

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