Call For More Transparency On MSP Expenses

Holyrood's Standards Committee wants it to be more straightforward to find out about financial interests.

There are plans to make it easier to find out about our MSPs finances.

A Holyrood committee's put out proposals to allow greater transparency of politicians interests.

They want it to be easier for members to report what they're doing and are calling for more power to deal with people who break the rules.

Committee Convener, Stewart Stevenson MSP said:

"The Scottish Parliament prides itself on its openness and accountability and nowhere is this more important than in relation to the conduct of its Members. Our proposed bill will not only build on the existing robust regime, but will also streamline reporting for MSPs, ensuring all information about MSPs’ financial interests is in one easily accessible place for the public.

"We have also suggested broadening the definition of paid advocacy. Whilst no MSP has ever been found to have breached the current rules, the Committee is clear of the gravity with which paid advocacy should be treated. This is why our Committee is proposing an expansion to the scope of the criminal offence."

Suggestions include the power to withdraw a politicians salary if they break the rules.

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