Activist Shows Support For 'Yes'

Renowned activist Tariq Ali to speak in Kirkcaldy.

A friendship spanning almost 50 years has led to the announcement that internationally-renowned author and activist, Tariq Ali, will give a speech in Kirkcaldy on Scottish independence.

Local Yes Kirkcaldy campaigner, Bob Purdie, a former Oxford professor, first met Tariq in 1968 as they stood shoulder to shoulder in a protest against the Vietnam War. They bonded over drinks in the pub afterwards and became firm friends when Bob moved to England for his career.

“Tariq has spent his life campaigning for worthwhile causes and always seems to be on the right side,” said Bob. “However, one of the attractions for him in agreeing to speak in Kirkcaldy was the chance to appear in St Bryce Kirk, known to him as the church once served by Gordon Brown’s father. He is not a fan of Mr Brown’s...”

Born in Pakistan and educated at Oxford University, Ali has spent his life campaigning for worthy causes and protested against the Vietnam War, the invasion of Czechoslovakia and the war in Iraq, as well as writing around 20 books. He is now turning his attentions closer to home and is keen to discuss Scottish independence.

“The Scottish people should take this opportunity and break out of the prison that is the United Kingdom, and develop their own policies, and discuss openly ways to go forward.

“I truly believe independence is the only way Scotland can realise its full political and cultural potential in the 21st century."

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