Social Justice 'Key' To Indyref Debate

Scotland's largest teaching union says social justice will be key to the independence referendum result.

The EIS is holding four regional debates on the issue, the next two are in Glasgow on Tuesday and in Dundee next Saturday.

The body, which is staying neutral, says the distribution of public spending will still need addressed after the ballot.

Union members have organised four regional referendum events across Scotland, featuring prominent speakers from both sides of the debate, focusing on the key issues relating to education and the referendum. Two well-attended meetings have been held so far, in Aberdeen on Tuesday and in Edinburgh on Thursday.
Two further events will be held next week – in Glasgow (Tuesday 9 September, 7pm) featuring speakers Michael Russell MSP (Yes Scotland) and Drew Smith MSP (Better Together), and in Dundee (Saturday 13 September, 10.30am) featuring speakers Jenny Marra MSP (Better Together) and John McAllion (Yes Scotland). Tickets are free to EIS members.

EIS General Secretary Larry Flanagan said: “The EIS is currently holding a series of regional referendum debates across Scotland, and the very clear message that is coming out of these events is that social justice remains, by some margin, the most important issue that teachers and lecturers, along with many others, want to see addressed in post-referendum Scotland.”
Mr Flanagan continued, “The EIS, in common with fellow trade unions and the STUC, continues to believe that working to create a fairer, more inclusive and socially just Scotland must be the main focus of the referendum campaign. Each individual voter will form their own view as to which constitutional arrangement would be more conducive to delivering this aim, but it is clear that creating a more just Scotland must be the ultimate aim for us all following the referendum result.”

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